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In this vignette, we show how to create a plot block layer by layer with the ggplot2 package.

Before going further, please be sure to read the S3 chapter of advanced R:


Anatomy of a {ggplot2} plot

With ggplot2, plots are built layer by layer. It all starts with ggplot() which initialises the ggplot object passing optional data and mappings. Then, we add geoms, like geom_point(). Geoms also accept custom mappings (overwrite mappings passed to the first ggplot() call), data, as well as other parameters. As a result, there are many ways to build a ggplot:

# 1
ggplot(data = <DATA>, mapping = <MAPPING>) +
# 2
ggplot(data = <DATA>) +
  geom_point(mapping = <MAPPING>) +
  geom_point(mapping = <MAPPING>)

# 3
ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = <DATA>, mapping = <MAPPING>) +
  geom_point(data = <DATA>, mapping = <MAPPING>)

In this tutorial, we go for the first option.

To do list

What do we need to create?

It seems obvious to add new ggplot_block() and geom constructors. On the Shiny side, we have to handle the plot output element. Remember that the server_output() generic is defined in the blockr server.R script. It supports tables with server_output.block() and plots with server_output.plot_block(). Therefore, we don’t need to create another S3 method and have to make sure our new plot block inherits from the plot_block class to dispatch to the correct method. Most of our work will be on the block side since we’ll have to generate the plot layer by layer, each layer being a block. Before writing this vignette, blockr did not support layer by layer plots. This new concept required to expose a new way of combining plot expressions to generate the entire stack code. With the previous infrastructure, we could only do:

data %>% block_1 %>% block_2

However, handling ggplot2 grammar requires to be able to combine with + such as:

data %>% plot_block + layer_block

All the process is described in the following, which should highlight the flexibility provided by blockr.

New block helpers

What is described in the following may not be necessary in all cases and is specific to `{ggplot2}` which brings specific syntax like `+`. `{blockr}` now supports layer by layer plots and you theoretically only have to create the corresponding blocks (See next section). What we show below is sort of 'making off' that will serve to advanced users.

New evaluate_block() method

We define below a new way to pass data to a block layer, through the evaluate_block.plot_layer_block() method. As a consequence, these block layer must have the plot_layer_block class:

evaluate_block.plot_layer_block <- function(x, data, ...) {
  stopifnot(...length() == 0L, inherits(data, "ggplot"))
    substitute(data + expr, list(expr = generate_code(x))),
    list(data = data)

Compared to evaluate_block.transform_block(), we simply replaced %>% by +. Nothing more! As a side note, if you had to develop your own method in a test script, you could register it and test it with:

.S3method("<GENERIC>", "<CLASS>", <METHOD>)

Generate a valid stack code

Before adding the layer by layer plot blocks, generate_code.stack() was:

generate_code.stack <- function(x) {

  binary_substitute <- function(x, y) {
    substitute(x %>% y, list(x = x, y = y))

  Reduce(binary_substitute, lapply(x, generate_code))

This method leverages Reduce() which applies a binary function to combine elements of a vector (from left to right by default). For instance, we could sum the 3 first integers with:

Reduce(`+`, 1:3)

generate_code.stack() successively combines all the block expressions given by lapply(x, generate_code). If there are 3 blocks in the stack:

my_stack <- new_stack(new_dataset_block, new_filter_block, new_select_block)

binary_substitute is called twice:

  • Once to combine x being <dataset_block_EXPR> (the data block expression) and y being <filter_block_EXPR>, to give <dataset_block_EXPR> %>% <filter_block_EXPR>.
  • Then to combine the previous result, namely x, equal to <dataset_block_EXPR> %>% <filter_block_EXPR> with y equal to <select_block_EXPR>.
  • This ultimately yields: <dataset_block_EXPR> %>% <filter_block_EXPR> %>% <select_block_EXPR>

substitute() ensures we don’t evaluate the generated expression and replace x and y by their respective values.

Can you spot the current point? How do we combine plot layer expressions linked by + with this setup? In order to overcome this limitation, we introduced the block_combiner(), a new generic which aims at linking multiple block expressions depending on their class. Under the hood, we only check the class of the right block to determine the expression link (the S3 dispatch occurs on the second block), that is %>% or + (and maybe more in the future).

block_combiner <- function(left, right, ...) UseMethod("block_combiner", right)

Another important modification to bring is about generate_code.stack(). With the above logic, Reduce() only consumes the block expressions, thereby preventing us from being able to dispatch. We pass a vector of blocks instead, such that we get:

generate_code.stack <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0) return(quote(identity()))

  # Handles monoblock stacks
  if (length(x) > 1) {
    aggregate_code <- function(x, y) {
      block_combiner(x, y)
    Reduce(aggregate_code, lapply(x, \(b) b))
  } else {

For empty stacks, the returned code is arbitrary. For stacks with one block, we don’t need Reduce() and only call generate_code() for the corresponding block. We create a new internal function, that is aggregate_code, subsequently calling block_combiner().

There is still one last issue to solve. Since we now pass blocks, we have to find a way to let block_combiner() evaluate each block expression. We apply generate_code() within the substitute() call so we can inject the block expression and not the block itself. This eventually leads us to:

block_combiner.transform_block <- function(left, right, ...) {
    left %>% right,
    list(left = generate_code(left), right = generate_code(right))

block_combiner.plot_block <- block_combiner.transform_block

block_combiner.plot_layer_block <- function(left, right, ...) {
    left + right,
    list(left = generate_code(left), right = generate_code(right))

Importantly, plot constructor like ggplot() should have the plot_block class so that the link is %>% (the same as for other transform blocks).

Create the ggplot block

To create a new block, we call the new_block() constructor. It expects:

  • fields: a list of field, which are translated into shiny inputs.
  • expr: the expression returned by the block, necessary to produce an output and export the code.
  • name: a name (randomly choosen, you don’t need to worry about this).
  • class: a class to dispatch to the relevant S3 methods.
  • layout: an optional layout (default to default_layout_fields()).

Our block will have c("ggplot_block", "plot_block") as classes, some fields to pass mappings and we leave the layout to the default choice. Note that the mapping field depends on the provided data. To stay simple, we assume to only handle x and y aesthetics.

new_ggplot_block <- function(...) {
    fields = list(
      # TO DO
    expr = quote(),
    class = c("ggplot_block", "plot_block"),

We finally end with the new_ggplot_block constructor. The next step is to create the mappings fields with two new_select_field(). Those fields are converted into shiny inputs, specifically selectInput(). To set the field choices which depend on the data, we define the data_cols helper:

data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data)

We modify new_ggplot_block such that:

new_ggplot_block <- function(col_x = character(), col_y = character(), ...) {

  data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data)

    fields = list(
      x = new_select_field(col_x, data_cols, type = "name"),
      y = new_select_field(col_y, data_cols, type = "name")
    expr = quote(),
    class = c("ggplot_block", "plot_block"),

Passing type = "name" allows to inject functions inside the select field choices. This is useful to dynamically update the choices whenever data change.

Producing the expression, which is certainly the most “technical” part, as it involves a bit of metaprogramming. The expression must not be evaluated in the block, that’s why it is wrapped in a quote(). blockr is then able to generate the expression with generate_code() and evaluate it with evaluate_block().

Our ggplot expression can be written as:

ggplot(mapping = aes(x = .(x), y = .(y)))

In the above expression, you may notice .(), which is actually required by generate_code(). Under the hoods, this is needed by bquote() which only evaluates arguments wrapped by .() with variables from the environment. It makes it easier to use than substitute(), since we explicitly mark what we want to evaluate.

All combined together, this eventually yields:

new_ggplot_block <- function(col_x = character(), col_y = character(), ...) {

  data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data)

    fields = list(
      x = new_select_field(col_x, data_cols, type = "name"),
      y = new_select_field(col_y, data_cols, type = "name")
    expr = quote(
      ggplot(mapping = aes(x = .(x), y = .(y)))
    class = c("ggplot_block", "plot_block"),

As you can, see the code base is reasonable in terms of complexity.

Create a geom block

Now that we have a valid new_ggplot_block, we want to add it a geometry. The easiest one is geom_point(). To keep the vignette as simple as possible, we only handle two options, namely the point color and shape. We host this information in a new_select_field(), for instance:

new_select_field(default, choices)

The expression is straightforward to get:

geom_point(color = .(color), shape = .(shape)) # Don't forget to wrap it with quote(...).

Importantly, since we use .(color), the field name must be color and conversely for the shape. Also note that, since the previous data contains the ggplot object, we must extract its data located in data$data, such that the column names are obtained with data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data$data).

This finally gives us:

new_geompoint_block <- function(color = character(), shape = character(), ...) {

  data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data$data)

    fields = list(
      color = new_select_field(color, data_cols, type = "name"),
      shape = new_select_field(shape, data_cols, type = "name")
    expr = quote(
      geom_point(aes(color = .(color), shape = .(shape)), size = 2)
    class = c("plot_layer_block", "plot_block"),

Note the class plot_layer_block. This is necessary to invoke the corresponding evaluate_block() method (to use + instead of %>%).

Try it

We currently decided that each plot layer can be visible, so that you can see the plot construction step by step within the UI. In any case, `{blockr}` only expands the latest stack block UI so you can focus on the final result. Toggling other blocks is up to the end-user.

We can try it on the following stack:

stack <- new_stack(
  data_block = new_dataset_block("penguins", "palmerpenguins"), 
  plot_block = new_ggplot_block("flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"),
  layer_block = new_geompoint_block("species", "species")

Going further

Below is a possible implementation of an interactive ggiraph plot.


custom_data_block <- function(...) {
    selected = "mtcars"

new_ggplot_block <- function(...) {

  data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data)

    fields = list(
      x = new_select_field("wt", data_cols, type = "name"),
      y = new_select_field("qsec", data_cols, type = "name"),
      color = new_select_field("disp", data_cols, type = "name")
    expr = quote(
      ggplot(mapping = aes(x = .(x), y = .(y), color = .(color)))
    class = c("ggplot_block", "plot_block"),

# We could have use a mutate_block instead of
# changing the data from inside the block ...
# {blockr} is flexible here.
new_geompoint_interactive_block <- function(...) {
  build_expr <- function(data) {
    # Get data from the previous ggplot layer
    # data is the ggplot so we need to use data$data
    # to get the initial data
    dat <- data$data
    dat$carname <- row.names(dat)
        # Pass in new data
        data = new_data,
          tooltip = carname,
          data_id = carname
      list(new_data = dat)

    fields = list(
      expression = new_hidden_field(build_expr)
    expr = quote(.(expression)),
    class = c("plot_layer_block", "plot_block"),

new_theme_block <- function(...) {
    fields = list(
      theme = new_select_field(
        grep("^theme_.*$", ls("package:ggplot2"), perl = TRUE, value = TRUE),
        type = "name"
    expr = quote(
    class = c("plot_layer_block", "plot_block"),

new_ggiraph_block <- function(...) {
    fields = list(
      pointsize = new_numeric_field(12, min = 1, max = 20)
    expr = quote(girafe(ggobj = data, pointsize = .(pointsize))),
    class = c("ggiraph_block", "plot_block"),

# Necessary to get ggiraph plot rendering
uiOutputBlock.ggiraph_block <- function(x, ns) {

server_output.ggiraph_block <- function(x, result, output) {

stack <- new_stack(