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{blockr} is Shiny’s WordPress (John Coene, 2024)

Why blockr?

blockr is an R package designed to democratize data analysis by providing a flexible, intuitive, and code-free approach to building data pipelines. It allows users to create powerful data workflows using pre-built blocks that can be easily connected, all without writing a single line of code.

To get started, we invite you to read this vignette.

To get a better idea of blockr capabilities in various data context, you can look at this vignette.

Key features

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Build data pipelines with intuitive interface.
  2. Flexibility: Easily add, remove, or rearrange blocks in your pipeline.
  3. Extensibility: Developers can create custom blocks to extend functionality.
  4. Reproducibility: Pipelines created with blockr are easily shareable and reproducible, with exportable code.
  5. Interactivity: Real-time feedback as you build and modify your pipeline.


You can install the development version of blockr from GitHub with:


Example: palmer penguins case study

Below is a simple case study involving blockr. We use the palmerpenguins dataset to find out which femal species has the largest flippers. We create 2 custom blocks allowing to create our plot block (see the plot vignette for more details). Note that the {blockr.ggplot2} package exposes some ready to use blocks.


new_ggplot_block <- function(col_x = character(), col_y = character(), ...) {

  data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data)

    fields = list(
      x = new_select_field(col_x, data_cols, type = "name"),
      y = new_select_field(col_y, data_cols, type = "name")
    expr = quote(
      ggplot(mapping = aes(x = .(x), y = .(y)))
    class = c("ggplot_block", "plot_block"),

new_geompoint_block <- function(color = character(), shape = character(), ...) {

  data_cols <- function(data) colnames(data$data)

    fields = list(
      color = new_select_field(color, data_cols, type = "name"),
      shape = new_select_field(shape, data_cols, type = "name")
    expr = quote(
      geom_point(aes(color = .(color), shape = .(shape)), size = 2)
    class = c("plot_layer_block", "plot_block"),

stack <- new_stack(
  data_block = new_dataset_block("penguins", "palmerpenguins"),
  filter_block = new_filter_block("sex", "female"),
  plot_block = new_ggplot_block("flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"),
  layer_block = new_geompoint_block("species", "species")


Easiest is to run make, otherwise:

  1. Install npm dependencies with packer::npm_install()
  2. Build CSS by running the script in dev/sass.R