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  • Improved add new block.
  • Added new category to the registry. Now when a block is registered, you may pass a category parameter (which is used by the add block feature to sort blocks):
  constructor = new_tail_block,
  name = "tail block",
  description = "return last n rows",
  category = "transform",
  classes = c("tail_block", "transform_block"),
  input = "data.frame",
  output = "data.frame"

If not passed, the block will belong to uncategorized blocks (default).


  • Improved registry and getting started vignettes.
  • Add new case studies vignette to present blockr in various contexts.
  • Refine GitHub readme.


  • Fix issue in handle_remove.block: vals$stack wasn’t correctly updated when the last block was removed leading to wrong state.
  • Loading spinner is now correctly hidden when the block visual is updated.

blockr 0.0.2

Breaking changes

  • Change blocks and fields constructor names to new_*_block and new_*_field. For instance, for the select block, users are now supposed to use new_select_block() and not select_block.
  • Remove data from block constructor:
new_select_block <- function(columns = character(), ...) {

New features

  • New validation functions: validate_field() and validate_block() to check that values are consistent with data. These are used to then propagate any error to the user via JavaScript.
  • Evaluation stops whenever a block isn’t valid and the app should not crash.
  • We can now instantiate block outside the stack with default parameter values (or use the old way with constructors):
# New way
data_blk <- new_dataset_block(selected = "lab", package = "")
select_blk <- new_select_block("STUDYID")

stack <- new_stack(data_blk, select_blk)

# Old way
stack <- new_stack(new_data_block, new_select_block)


  • First prototype:
    • single stacks.
    • data block.
    • filter block.
    • Add/remove block from a stack.