

  1. Click on the stack + button (top right corner).

  2. Add a palmer_penguins block. You may search in the list.

  3. Add a new filter_block selecting sex as column and female as value . Click on run.

  4. Add a new ggplot_block . Select x and y wizely.

  5. Add a new geompoint_block . You may change shape and color .

  6. You can remove and re-add blocks as you like ...
  7. Export the stack code and try to run it.
  1. Click on the + stack button (top right corner).

  2. Add a customdata_block with demo as selected dataset.

  3. Add a ggplot_block with AGE as variable for the x axis.

  4. Add a geomhistogram_block . You can change the parameters.

  5. Add a labs_block with title = 'Distribution of Age' x = 'Age (Years)' and y = 'Count' as settings.

  6. Add a theme_block .

  7. Add a scalefillbrewer_block .

  1. Click on Add stack . From the new stack: click on + to add a new result_block .

  2. Add a new filter_block selecting sex as column and female as value . Click on run.

  3. Notice how the result block of the second stack changes.
  4. Add a new ggplot_block . Select x and y wizely.

  5. Add a new geompoint_block . You may change shape and color .

  1. Click on Add stack . From the new stack: click on + to add a new customdata_block with lab as selected data.

  2. Click on Add stack . From the new stack: click on + to add a new customdata_block with demo as selected data.

  3. Add a new join_block selecting lab_data as Stack and inner as type and c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID') as by . Click on run.

  1. Click on Add stack then add a result_block selecting the 'hb_data' stack.

  2. Add a ggplot_block with x = 'VISIT and y = 'Mean as aesthetics.

  3. Add a geompoint_block with func = c('color', 'shape') and ACTARM as variable for each aesthetic.

  4. Add a geomerrorbar_block with ymin = ymin ymax = ymax and color = ACTARM .

  5. Add a geomline_block with group = ACTARM and color = ACTARM .

  6. Add a labs_block with title = 'Mean and SD of Hemoglobin by Visit' x = 'Visit Label' and y = 'Hemoglobin (g/dL)' .

  7. Add a theme_block .
